Thursday, June 17, 2010

Better late than never...

2 years, 7 months, and 23 days...that's how over-due this blog is. In October of 2007, I was a new Mom with the best of intentions. I had a beautiful new baby girl, a lovely home, and an amazing husband whom I loved more than life itself. I vowed to give my child the best life I possibly could- to never cut corners, to provide stability, security, and the nurturing my child would need to grow into the amazing person she was destined to become. I promised to document her every move so that one day she could look back and see how amazing she was...Oops. Somewhere between midnight zombie feedings, endless bottle cleanings, diaper changes and trips to the store, the whole "blog" thing kept getting put off. It was constantly put on my list of things to do when life got a little less hectic- HA! Little did I know in those early naive days, life would never be "less hectic". Well, at least not for another 18 years or so. Looking back, I actually wish I'd appreciate how uncomplicated and peaceful those first months were. Needless to say, it has finally dawned on me that my child is growing up faster than I ever could have imagined, life is NOT slowing down, and I need to stop making excuses and start writing. So Avery, thus begins your blog- the blog of an amazing child who brings more happiness, joy, and drama to my life than I ever could have hoped for. Better late than never!